Friday, July 11, 2008


Yesterday I had my 2nd rowing lesson. We've been practising on the rowing machines to get our form down, and yesterday they actually let us loose on the water.

I was the zippiest one there, so they let me take an extra lap around the lake while everybody else was floundering. Two of the people got stuck in the trees on the opposite shore and had to have a kayak sent over to rescue them. One guy flipped over and bailed. I almost was run over by a quad boat, and in turn almost ran over one of the other girls in the class. Fun!

Next week we'll probably all be cleared to take the boats out on our own whenever we want. Look out, Town Lake!

I'll hopefully be getting a lot of rowing in (Sculling, really) this summer. Two of the guys from work are rowing at the same dock. I'm hoping for a little friendly competition ... go go gadget legs...!

1 comment:

Becky said...

It's great to see you posting your adventures once more. I've been following along with a couple on the AT by reading their blog...

It reminds me of your time on the AT and what fun you had then.
Congrats on your upcoming wedding.
Becky in SC