Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm now married!

The wedding was this Saturday. I didn't take many pictures - I was kind of busy - but there are a few on my Picasa site.

More will trickle in as people send them. Our photographer is in the middle of a school semester, so we won't get the official ones until the end of the year or so.


Nightowl said...

Congratulations Heather and Luke! I wish you many happy years together!

Green V-Neck said...


Green V-Neck said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Best wishes for many years of happiness.

icingicicles said...


texascampgal said...

Wow Heather I've just spent the last two days reading and skimming over most of your blogs and your couple of web site about your life. Fantastic stuff!! I read your blog in reverse chronological order and about half way through I knew I had a "match" for you. Then, I get to your most recent blog and find out that you're married. Well, I don't want to mess with a good thing, but if you're curious about who I thought you'd make a good match with, I thought you'd make a great match with this guy:

I've been reading his stuff since he left on the ADT.

Hey, were you at Lost Maples SP this past weekend? I was there on a day trip and remember seeing a van like yours? (How ironic if IT was you!)

Take Care.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

A long life together! You are a lovely looking couple.