Saturday, May 12, 2007

Pictures of Heather's van


Dan said...

I've been browsing thru your blog and the Peace and Carrots website. You and your Mom are amazing people. I am very impressed and energized by how you have lived your life.
I was much like you when i was your age. I am 35 now. I traveled to India, worked low paying jobs, lived extremely simply, bicycled from Alaska to MN, thru the India Himalayas, and in Chile. Worked in Antarctica for 6 years. Built a full-scribe log cabin with my brother........etc.
Now I'm quitting a very lucrative job at a gold mine to pursue my dream of working on research vessels in Alaska/Antarctica. But i'm scared of losing the good paying/benefits job. I wouldn't be so scared but I am also building a 24x24 3-sided log house this summer too. That cash drain is what scares me. but i've saved up for it. This is what age seems to do, you get more conservative about your life. Or maybe it is just me, being a worry wart.
Anyway, reading about you has helped my resolve to pursue what I believe in and know that it will work out.
I really liked your post on Human Touch.
I wish you all the best.


Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Your van looks real comfy! How about a trip to Canada!